
A Comprehensive Program to Build Emotional  Resilience

Mood Mastery is a 4-week masterclass led by psychologist Nick Wignall that combines live workshops and tutorials with hands on consulting and accountability, all within a small community of motivated and supportive peers.

The amazing truth is that my emotions no longer blindside me.

Instead of spending the day running away from painful emotions, I now have the ability to acknowledge them in the moment, give myself some empathy and compassion, and then go on with my work for the day without feeling weighed down or exhausted. I could not say this before taking this course.

— Natasha, Software Engineer

Mood Mastery is for anyone who wants to…

Manage difficult emotions in a healthy way

You will learn effective ways to deal with stress and difficult moods before they become overwhelming.

Overcome negative thinking and limiting beliefs

Learn practical techniques to undo patterns of worry, rumination, self-criticism and other forms of overthinking.

Stop self-sabotaging and stick to your goals

Discover the root cause of self-defeating behavior and learn to be more accepting and compassionate with yourself.

Deepen your emotional literacy and self-awareness

It’s only when you learn to observe and accept all your emotions that you can truly master them.

Communicate clearly and strengthen your relationships

You’ll learn how to process and work through your own difficult emotions so that you express yourself with confidence and clarity.

Start taking confident, values-driven action

Instead of wilting and becoming passive when you’re emotional, learn to channel your feeling productively.

What’s really holding you back?

Hi, I’m Nick. I created Mood Mastery because I believe that the most important skill in life is the ability to manage your mind well.

Think about it…

  • How successful can you be in your career if you constantly struggle with worry, anxiety, and self-doubt?
  • What kind of a relationship are you going to have with your kids or partner if you can’t control your temper and frustration?
  • How can you stick with personal goals like weight loss or creative hobbies if you constantly struggle with procrastination or self-sabotage?

In every area of life, success and happiness depend on the ability to manage your thoughts and emotions well.

And yet, no one ever teaches us how to do this…

  • Did your fifth-grade teacher give you skills for processing sadness or anger in a healthy way?
  • Did anyone in your high school teach you how to identify and restructure negative self-talk?
  • Did you take a college course on emotional self-awareness?

I certainly wasn’t taught any of this!

But at some point, we realize that the biggest obstacles to happiness and success in life aren’t external, they’re internal…

  • Is your business stalling because you don’t have the right software systems or management frameworks in place? Or could it be that you have limiting beliefs about success that are holding you back from making important decisions?
  • Is your marriage stale and lacking in intimacy because both of you somehow lost the ability to communicate effectively? Or could it be that you avoid intimacy because you’re afraid to be vulnerable?
  • Do you really avoid going to the gym more frequently because you don’t have enough time? Or could it be that you have issues with inadequacy and shame about your body that you don’t know how to deal with?

Mood Mastery will teach you how to master your mind and emotions not by fighting with or escaping them, but by creating a healthier relationship with them…

  • Instead of running away from your fears and insecurities, you will learn how to confront them confidently.
  • Instead of responding to mistakes and failures with self-criticism, you will learn to cultivate self-compassion.
  • Instead of wasting all your energy trying to avoid painful emotions like anxiety or anger, you will learn to accept them and move beyond them toward your values and purpose.

If you’re ready to start building true mental strength and emotional resilience, I invite you to learn more below.

It’s the most important thing I’ve done in years and I can’t recommend it highly enough.

Just like I was uncomfortable with my own emotions, I was uncomfortable with other people’s emotions. I wanted to “fix” myself and other people, and that always created tension instead of intimacy. In the simplest sense, I learned to accept what I felt, and by doing so, I also learned to do so for others.

— Brad Patterson, Co-founder and CFO of Maple Leaf Strings

“The level of connectedness I felt to Nick and the rest of the group was lovely. From the beginning, I felt like these are my people!”

— Simmone Retallick, School Teacher

“The course helped me look at my actions through the lens of my values so I can be more assertive and less anxious.”

— Sinan Kucukkoseler, Software Engineer

As a therapist I look forward to using these worksheet with clients and guiding them through a similar process.

One thing that was especially helpful was the idea of using values and visualizations as motivation to work through challenging emotions and patterns. I have been able to imagine myself responding differently to an intense moment, as mental preparation, and then I’m better prepared in the moment to respond accordingly. Nick is a fantastic teacher!

— Katie Mason, Therapist

What types of students join Mood Mastery?

Mood Mastery students typically identify as one of the following:

✅ Thoughtful High-Achievers. You’re ambitious and hold yourself to a high standard of excellence. But you’re often held back by perfectionism, self-criticism, or overthinking. You know your mind should be your greatest ally, not your worst enemy.

✅ Creative Professionals. You’re full of creative energy and potential. But all too often procrastination, overwhelm, and self-doubt get in the way. You’re ready to start doing your best work consistently and confidently, with less stress and burnout.

✅ Leaders & Coaches. You’re passionate about helping others reach their potential. But you want to expand and deepen your understanding of the mental and emotional dynamics that are the foundation for wellbeing and success.

✅ Medical & Mental Health Professionals. Whether you’re a nurse, counselor, doctor, or therapist, you know that your ability to help others is only as strong as your ability to help yourself. To bring out the best in others, you committed to bringing out the best in yourself.

Who It’s Not For

Mood Mastery is not for everyone. Specifically, you should not apply if…

⚠️ You want a quick fix or silver bullet. The course will require significant time, effort, and patience on your part. Like any meaningful growth project, you will only get out what you put in.

⚠️ You prefer to work alone. The course is based on the principle that we learn best together—sharing our experiences, struggles, and triumphs as a team and helping each other to grow.

⚠️ The cost of the program would be a financial strain. I never want participation in the course to contribute to financial stress or difficulty.

⚠️ You’re trying to work through a serious mental health issue or looking for therapy/counseling. Mood Mastery is about building emotional strength and resilience. It is not a substitute for therapy, counseling, or any kind of mental health service.

My life has rebalanced with space for more happiness and so much more peace.

It was hard work and I was exhausted by the end but it has truly paid off. I no longer suffer so much, my moods are more balanced, I still get to have emotions but they are reasonable and do not spill over. I’ve also learnt how to ask for what is important, perhaps for the first time ever.

— Michelle Richecoeur, Massage Therapist

“I am truer to myself these days and therefore more content and focused. It’s easier to be me!”

— Julie LaFond, Retired Executive

“I have stepped up my game of identifying and managing my emotions in the moment. This is a huge leap for my effectiveness.”

— Raj Sidana, Cybersecurity Program Management

I especially appreciated how practical the program was.

While Nick provided us with a solid theoretical basis for understanding and working more skillfully with our emotions, he also gave us really helpful exercises with actionable steps that had an immediate impact. 5 STARS!

— Matt Young, Meditation Teacher

How Mood Mastery Works

Mood Mastery combines expert-led guidance and training from psychologist Nick Wignall with the motivation and accountability of a supportive community of like-minded peers.

4-Week Masterclass

The live course runs for four weeks and includes:

👨‍🏫 Weekly Live Workshops. Each week, Nick will lead a live 90-minute workshop over Zoom to teach core concepts and do step-by-step walkthroughs of the key exercises and practices.

🛠️ Lessons, Tools, and Tutorials. After each weekly workshop, you’ll get access to a series of lessons and other material that explain the core concepts and exercises for each week’s content.

🙋🏻‍♀️ Weekly Live Office Hours. At the end of each week, Nick will host a live office hours sessions over Zoom to answer questions and help you work through specific obstacles.

🚀 Lifetime Access to Course Content and Updates. After the initial four-week program ends, you’ll continue to have access to all the lessons, exercises, and recordings.

🖥️ Free Access to Self-Paced Courses from Nick. In addition to all the content from Mood Mastery, you’ll also get free access to Nick’s three self-paced video courses: Creating Calm, Finding Focus, and Undoing Insomnia.

Dates & Schedule

Mood Mastery is currently closed for enrollment. To be notified as soon as the next cohort dates are set, be sure to Join the waitlist here →

I learned which emotions and situations I struggle the most with and how the elusive advice to “validate your emotions” actually works in practice.

It feels like I now have a set of cheat codes I’d never dreamed of. Plus, I had a blast nerding out on the weird world of emotions with a compassionate, interesting, fun group of people.

— Amy M, Economist

“Nick does a beautiful job of getting across a lot of information while also making everyone feel included and welcome to participate.”

— Amy van Buren, Clinical Psychologist

“I’m better at controlling how I react in difficult conversations instead of just yelling or feeling guilty.”

— Patty Fagan, Daycare Provider

One of the best things the course taught me was how to change my relationship with worry.

Using strategies from the course, I am able to appropriately address my worries without allowing them to block my productivity or joy!

— Rikki Postal, Higher Ground Coaching

Curriculum Overview

Here’s a brief overview of the course structure along with the key ideas and practices you’ll be learning.

👋 Orientation and Welcome Call

We’ll have an initial kick-off call where we get to know each other and talk about the key concepts of the program as a whole, including my “theory of everything” for emotional health and the two foundational principles that all personal growth relies on.

🧠 Week 1: The Foundations of Emotional Intelligence

How do our thoughts, beliefs, and emotions work together with our behaviors and values? Why are some inner obstacles so strong and hard to deal with? What does it mean to process and manage our difficult moods in a healthy and productive way? During week 1, you’ll also be introduced to the core exercise of the program, Mood Writing, which is a powerful technique for processing difficult moods and experiences. Each week the exercise will expand and deepen to incorporate new concepts and learnings.

👁️ Week 2: Expanding Your Emotional Awareness

In week two, we’ll explore what it means to be truly mindful and aware of our emotions. Because the better you are at identifying and noticing your emotions, the easier it will be to catch them early while they’re small and manageable before they become overwhelming. Together, we’ll go through a series of practical exercises that will increase your emotional vocabulary and fluency so that you can become more aware of the nuances of how your emotions arise and manifest themselves.

🏋️‍♀️ Week 3: Mindset Training & Mental Flexibility

In week three, we’ll explore how negative self-talk and limiting beliefs end up magnifying difficult moods and emotions way beyond their natural state. We’ll also do a deep dive into managing negative thought patterns using a relational rather than argumentative approach.

💎 Week 4: Values-Based Action

In our final week, we’ll dive deep into an exercise called Values Visioning that will help you discover and get clarity on your core values and ideals. Because the clearer you are about what you really want, the more motivated you will feel to work through the obstacles that are holding you back instead of getting lost in avoidance and self-defeating behaviors.

📈 Conclusion: Next Steps

In our final gathering, you’ll learn about specific, practical strategies for applying—and sticking with—what you’ve learned after the course is over.

This course has been a game changer!

The deeper self-awareness I got from the course was just what I was looking for. I’m more patient—both with others and myself—because I’m more attuned to what I’m feeling.

— Jason Waller, Executive Coach

“By the end of the course, it felt like someone updated my internal software!”

— Karan Gadiya, Data Scientist

“I love the simple tools for managing hard emotions… I’ve already seen a big improvement in my confidence!”

— Isabelle Nadeau, Scientist

Mood Mastery gave me a toolkit for navigating difficult emotions.

Nick did an excellent job of presenting the framework, pushing us to try it out, and providing a comfortable environment for sharing results.

— Lizabeth Zack, Professor

Plans and Pricing

Essential Edition

  • 4 live workshop sessions with Nick
  • 4 live office hours session with Nick
  • 30+ lessons & tutorials
  • Email support during the program
  • Lifetime access to program materials
  • Free attendance at live workshops throughout the year
  • 1-hour strategy session with Nick

Essential Edition — $450

Premium Edition

  • 4 live workshop sessions with Nick
  • 4 live office hours session with Nick
  • 30+ lessons & tutorials
  • Email support during the program
  • Lifetime access to program materials
  • Free attendance at live workshops throughout the year
  • 1-hour strategy session with Nick

Premium Edition — $950

Money Back Guarantee

Mood Mastery is an investment but I want it to be 100% risk-free. If you participate in the workshops and seminars, study the material, complete the exercises, and still didn’t find the program valuable, I’ll refund your payment within 30 days of your purchase.

I’m happier, more productive, and have much more inner peace.

The best part is I can now deal with my emotions without running away from them or being consumed by them. Mood Mastery is one of the best investments I’ve ever made—highly recommended!

— Martine Hulsebosch, Entrepreneur

“I have taken the course twice, and have learned something new each time. Nick is an outstanding teacher—he is warm, personable, professional, articulate, learned, compassionate, and outstandingly intelligent.”

— Peter Bowen, Retired

“Learning how exactly to acknowledge and validate my emotions has been so helpful with my anxiety. I would be happy to attend another course led by Nick!”

— Patty W, Retired

I am freer, happier and a lot more productive in just four weeks. Amazing!

At first I thought I didn’t have time to take this course. By the end, I realized I didn’t have time not to take this course. The material is life-changing.

— Wendy Dale, Author


What if I can’t make the live sessions?

You are not required to attend any of the live sessions. That said, I strongly recommend that you attend at least one of the live sessions each week—either the Monday workshop or the Thursday office hours.

All the live sessions will be recorded and available to view afterward.

Are there any prerequisites for the course?

There are no prerequisites for the course other than a desire to learn and grow together.

How much time will the course require each week?

I recommend that you budget at least 2-3 hours per week.

What if I get unexpectedly busy during the course and fall behind?

The course is designed to be taken flexibly. If you have a busy week or fall behind, you can always catch up on lessons and rewatch live sessions after the fact.

How long will I have access to the course and material?

Once you purchase the course, you’ll have lifetime access to all course material.

How much access do I get to Nick?

Probably more than you bargained for 😆 I lead all the live sessions and respond promptly to student emails.

Is Mood Mastery like therapy or counseling?

Mood Mastery is not a substitute for professional medical or mental health treatment. If you’re struggling with a significant mental health issue, please talk to your doctor or mental health professional about appropriate assistance and treatment options.

I have a question you haven’t addressed…

Send me an email at nick@thefriendlymind.com and I’ll do my best to answer it.

It’s helped me navigate my mind in a bright new way!

I’m not new to mindset work, but Nick’s clear and encouraging guidance was exceptional, especially during the goals and values lessons which were the best of any course I’ve taken!

— Annabelle Cambier, Graphic Artist

Mood Mastery helped me learn how to be at peace with my emotions instead of letting them run the show!

I thoroughly enjoyed this course. Nick was an excellent teacher—always patient and willing to answer any question—and it was so fun and interesting to join the live classes and listen to other students while Nick answered questions during office hours.

— Jane Onel, Life Coach